Tuesday 28 March 2017


"One last kiss" she said, standing close to the bedroom door "You're addictive" he said, leaning closer and their lips crashed, it felt like hot flames in her stomach and he let his hands explore her body but up to a point because he wasn't like other boys. It got intense, her stomach was in a knot, she stood on her toes as he pressed her against a wall, they completely forgot they were in Susan's house.

He broke the kiss and made a head movement, gesturing towards the room "Is that Susan's room?" he asked, "Yes" she said and they continued kissing as he led her inside the room, "Are we going to have sex?" she let that question slip, as she was scared and the action brought back certain memories, he shook his head but she didn't notice "Do you want to?" he asked, this time she shook hers as she never imagined losing her virginity at a young age.

"I mean, do you want us to continue on the bed?" he re-phrased the question and she nodded, growing impatient. He laid her on the bed with caution and he hovered on top of her before lying down and bringing her on top of him, it felt like heaven and she wanted it to last forever.

* * * * *
I have no idea why i'm writing this, but i'm quite sure there are teenagers out there that need to know certain things about Abstinence from sex and i'm gonna point out some things in this article:
1. Self Control is extremely important when you're with the opposite sex: This is really difficult, trust me i know. Abstinence should be your watch word, when you see you're going too far just stop, you might not be able to but if your significant other is a good person, he/she will.

2. Your Dignity is your pride, especially for the ladies. Your dignity doesn't have to be your Virginity only (pepe told me so), it also has to do with the way you let people touch you. So, i was with pepe and things got slightly out of hand and i agreed to let him touch my boobs but he stopped, in his words "I don't want you to lose your dignity" and i thought it was my virginity but i later got to know that he didn't want to stain me, he didn't want to see me the way he sees certain girls that have decided to follow the part of sluttery (that's how i see it).

3. Know your Limits, you and your significant other can go the Christian Grey way and set hard limits. Limit your activities so you don't go turning each other on and having to do with unfortunate eventualities.

4. Always have someone around: Having someone around that's not necessarily in the same room as you but at a reasonable distance can help you control yourself and when you can't, who knows- the third party might just walk into you guys when you're about to do something drastic and he/she will scold you.

5. You can actually have scheduled dates and time for making out so you don't get overly addicted- trust me, it's addicting.

6. Listen to Mama.

7. Talk to your significant other about your plan to abstain from sexual intercourse.


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